Monday, May 16, 2011

What Are Equivalent Fractions?

When two or more fractions have the same value, they are called the equivalent fractions. For example; one of two brothers ate one out of two pieces of pizza, which means this person ate half of pizza, this can be represented as "1/2"

Now there were four pieces of pizza and the other brother ate two pieces out of those four pieces of this pizza. This fraction can be represented as "2/4".

 Now if we see both brothers ate half of the pizza, which means one out of two "1/2" and two out of four "2/4" both represent the same fraction of the whole, and which is half.

Hence the equivalent fractions represent the same part of a whole. Equivalent fractions can be obtained by multiplying and dividing the numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same number.

For more content about equivalent fractions, visit our site by clicking any link in this article. Our fractions worksheets website is specially about the lessons on fractions.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

2nd grade math

In grade two, kids have more than two years of school. Kids already know how to write and read the basics in all subjects. In 2nd grade math kids need to know the following main topics:

1. Counting Numbers To Thousands

2. Writing numbers in words and in expanded form up to thousands

3. Rounding numbers to thousands

4. Adding and subtracting with and without regrouping

5. Place value to thousands

6. Types of numbers, such as, even and odd numbers

7. Skip counting by 2's, 3's and 5's

8. Basic geometric shapes in two dimensions and three dimensions.

9. Basic fractions such as basic shapes, colorful charts and models

10. Introduction to times

11. Counting money using money charts and coins

12. Telling times using halves and quarters.

To practice all the above skills use 2nd grade math worksheets which can be printed from many of sites on the net.